Improving team performance will energise your team in 2024

Andy Welsh
December 18, 2023

📈 A commitment to improving team performance shouldn't trigger all sorts of fears within your team.

High performance shouldn't be about stressful new work demands, huge amounts of disruptive change, or working harder for longer.

Instead, improving team performance is energising for everyone involved.

Here's why:

10 reasons why improving team performance is energising for everyone

1. Frustrations are removed
You cannot build high performance if the same old frustrations and blockages keep stopping people do their best work. That's why these need to be regularly identified, discussed and improved, giving everyone a boost when they are!

2. Stick together
A focus on improving team performance improves the team environment, helping to avoid those feelings of deflation when a much-loved team mate leaves a dysfunctional team. Instead, reenergising career milestones and progression within the organisation become the norm.

3. Engaged and empowered
In a high performing team, ideas and insights are not just welcomed; they're essential. This helps to build huge amounts of satisfaction, pleasure and pride when team mates see their own ideas put into action.

4. Grow every day
A key part of high performance is the need to continuously improve. That makes for a more dynamic environment, where everyone has the opportunity to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities.

5. Communication made easy
When improving team performance, communication becomes key. It's measured. It's always open and honest. It's improved when necessary. People often feel like a weight has been lifted and reenergised when they're able to get things out in the open, tackled and resolved.

6. Excellence is the norm
People want to work somewhere that they're proud of, where they do good work, and make their customers, clients or stakeholders happy. This in turn makes the team happier, more motivated, energised and satisfied. A commitment to improving and maintaining high performance is the key to that.

7. Adapt to change
When change does come along, it shouldn't be an unknown threat; it's where the team should feel well informed, supported, involved and enthused by what lies ahead.

8. Got your back
Sometimes, being "all in it together" in the pursuit of improving how things are done, can be the absolute best times in the workplace!

9. Work-life balance
Balance shouldn't be a distant ideal; it's a priority. In a high-performing team, a positive, healthy work environment contributes to a more positive personal life, which feeds back into a more positive work environment for everyone!

10. Celebrate success
With a commitment to continuously improving performance, team wins become that much more likely and are always recognised. This helps to create a cycle of positivity and satisfaction. Who wouldn't be energised by that?!

Next steps

If you want to learn how simple it is to continuously improve team performance, check out our Teamgage Huddle page.

Alternatively reach out to our team for a demo.

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